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"Dating Tips of Week" for May 1, 2017 featuring proven dating tips and surefire techniques for men for successfully meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing hot & sexy beautiful single women. Diarrhea of the MouthI want to discuss a personality trait that can turn women off when on a date. What is it? It's talking too much (diarrhea of the mouth). I know you may be saying to yourself, "What's wrong with that, I love to talk." What I'm getting at is guys who talk on and on during the whole date and hog all of the conversation, not letting his date gets a word in. Because of your total domination of the conversation, she will eventually feel ignored and unimportant. She will think you have no concern about her feelings. Also, she may feel that all you care about is yourself (self-centered). Also, she may get so frustrated because you won't let her talk, she will just give up on trying to talk to you and remain silent. Then when the date is over she will feel relieved. She will say to herself, "Thank God that date is over with and I never want to go out with that creep again." So think about this. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if you went out with a girl who incessantly talked throughout the whole date and never gave you a chance to say anything? Wouldn't you feel ignored? In closing, give your date equal time to talk! Don't hog all the conversation. Share your thoughts on an equal basis. Talk awhile and then let her talk and express herself. A 50/50 basis would be great if possible. And let me leave you with this final important tip: Be a good listener! Women love a guy who listens with genuine interest. One of women's biggest complaints about men is that they are poor listeners.